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Why connect more deeply with nature?


Updated: Oct 27, 2023

Nature Quote
Quote and graphic above taken from Tara Shannon

This beautiful extract says it all!

Join us on our next Forest Bathing walk and feel "Naturally Grounded".

When we spend time to connect with nature, with the "more than human" world, we come home. Humans have lived with an essential relationship to all other life on earth and in our atmosphere for millennia : over 99% of our existence has been deeply connected with all the cycles of life and the seasons that have permitted our survival to now. It's really very recently that we've tried (sometimes successfully and sometimes unsuccessfully) to dominate, control and modify this relationship.

We have often tried to disconnect from the natural way of all of life, especially it's sense of time . Even though our lives have radically changed in the relatively very short time since the industrial revolution, and we've moved into structured, controlled, productivity and time-driven environments, I do not believe that our bodies, minds, souls and spirits have evolved at the same pace. True evolution is a very slow progression.

The result? We don't really feel at home, at peace and with a deep sense of belonging in our current way of life. I believe we are all homesick to some degree, depending on how connected we are (and feel) to all of the the others that are part of our human and "more than human" world in which we live and breath and have our being.

So how do we treat homesickness?

There are different paths to returning home while still living in the 21st century, holding both spaces at the same time. One way is through intentionally starting the journey. Joining me on a Forest Bathing Walk is a great start. It is a way of slowing down....a lot..... and being with the rest of nature with all of our senses, awake to our place in the interconnectedness of things, a sense of awe and connectedness of all of life to and through the Divine.

I'd love you to experience this with me. Just come as you are, with no expectations of yourself or of the process......just a wish to connect and come home.

Follow us on Facebook where you'll find the details of our next Forest Bathing Walk and our other events to Sense. Connect and Thrive.

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