“Natures peace will flow into you as the sunshine flows into the tree. The winds blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves”- John Muir
Forest Bathing is about connecting more deeply with nature as she so generously teaches us, heals us, restores us. It’s a practice where we can let go, stop striving and rushing, stop counting our steps or other achievements and just be who we are.
It’s so much more than simply walking in the forest or any other place in nature. I’m sure we’ve all experienced that even as we walk outdoors, we can still be thinking things over, problem solving, replaying difficult conversations in our heads or figuring out how to fit all the school activities into the next few days while still trying to keep in touch with friends. All this time we were walking but may not have noticed the colours of the leaves, the sense of the breeze on our skin, the changes in temperature as we walk in dappled sun….

Forest bathing is about stepping out of our busy minds and schedules and immersing ourselves in all the sensations that nature offers.
The forest not only offers calm and restoration for our minds and emotions, but also has many scientifically validated physiological benefits. These include lowering blood pressure and prolonged stress hormones, improving our heart rate variability and our relaxation responses, improving our immunity, and better regulation of our nervous systems.
The word Forest Bathing is the direct translation of the Japanese word Shinrin-Yoku. It really implies fully immersing oneself in the forest or nature….so no, you won’t be taking a bath as nice (as the might sound)! As a side note though, if you’re looking for a true outdoor bathing experience I was recently deep in the beautiful indigenous forests of the Magoesbaskloof at cottages designed for birders and to simply escape. Next to the secluded cottage and under the canopy of trees, was an outdoor bath (with hot water)……I’m definitely going back!
Anyway…back to our Forest Bathing Walk. These walks offer a personal connection to nature using more contemplative or meditative approach. Here there are no right or wrong ways to your experience….it’s your unique way. The walks are typically 1-3km, take about 2-3 hours and include semi-structured practices that are guided so that you don’t need to think and plan, and you can relax into the process. Being guided also helps you to experience ways to connect that you may not usually explore on your own. On your Forest Bathing Walk you may discover practices that will enrich your everyday nature experiences in your own garden, or when driving to work, or walking your dogs.
Keep an eye out on our Facebook and Instagram posts for our next Forest Bathing Walk, and come an experience it for yourself! I just know that you’ll love it!